The BodyFree team has helped more than two thousand people take control of their lives and their health through Weight Loss Surgery. Let us help you reach your goals and be BodyFree to live life, to run and play, to stand proud and regain your confidence.

When people just like you call or come to BodyFree about Bariatric Surgery (Weight Loss Surgery), one of the biggest hopes they have is to be able to feel comfortable in their own skin – to feel free of the weight that has been holding them back and affecting their health and lifestyle.  Our patients sometimes talk to us about a time that they felt better and had the physical freedom to move the way they wanted to. Others have the desire to feel that way for the very first time after years of dieting, losing and regaining weight or feeling like they have been in a battle with themselves.

At BodyFree, we aim to provide our patients with a professional, supportive and encouraging environment that gives them the confidence to make the brave and empowering decision to undergo Bariatric Surgery. This surgery offers the opportunity to change the way our patients live the rest of their lives.

We offer a holistic approach to weight loss that includes Dietitians working alongside our Bariatric Surgeons (Dr David Joseph and Dr Robert Gandy), to help our patients develop healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Through Bariatric Surgery, we have had the opportunity to see our patients gain the tools that Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass and SADI procedures provide. Following these procedures they are able to address their weight and health concerns and finally feel free of the kilos they feel have held them back from living the life they always wanted.

At BodyFree, we are driven by the success of our patients, we want you to feel free to live life again, to run and play, to stand proud, regain your confidence, build your self esteem and always and most importantly we want you to improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Let the BodyFree Weight Loss Clinic team help you to take your first courageous step towards a new life.

Contact us today to start your Weight Loss Surgery journey.

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